Malana the Village beautiful is situated is the Kullu regions of Himachal Pradesh. The village is situated just 4 kms from Zari. A Trek of 4kms will bring you to this wonderful place which even to this age works in mysterious ways. This village Malana follows the sage Jamdagni who is also known as Jamlu rishi. There are rulers said to be made by the Jamlu rishi which are followed by the inhabitants of Malana village.
History of Malana Village : - The inhabitants of malana believe they are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the great they believe after Alexander departed from India these soldiers stayed back and eventually sought refuge in the high mountains of Himachal King Akbar once got highly impressed by the people of Malana and abolished taxes levied in the inhabitats of malana. The villagers believe in their own laws and the societal mechanism.
Language of Malana Village : - The people of malana speak a very typical language which is not under stood by the other inhabitants of this region. This language called Kanashi research reveals this language to be related to Tibetan Burmese language dilates. The village has temples built in local architecture made with wood and decorated with animal skulls a typical feature of Malana.
1. The tourists are not welcome in malana, they are not allowed to touch any local inhabitants or visit any local household. If they flout this rule they have to pay a fine of 5000 rs. Even if the tourists want to buy something from the village shop they have to maintain a distance with the shopkeeper and shopkeeper will deliver the goods out of the shop.
2. There are more females in the village of malana and these females drive the local economy they do all the local day to day chores. The males just engage in pastime doing nothing playing cards and smoking hash.
3. The villagers of malana follow polygamy they are allowed to marry many times and keep multiple wifes. The rules of divorce are also not very tough even the divorce widows are allowed to remarry. The female birth rating seems higher in malana as more girl child are seen in the village.
4. The economy of the village still depends on the Licik Trade of hashish which is famous as “malana cream”. The villagers earn lefty through this “licit trade. The village grows best of cannabis plants.
5. The tourist are not allowed to stay in the malana village there are some home stays/ café but they are outside the precincts of the village.
6. The village even in this day practiced a very old form of democracy the parliament of the village which comprises of some 365 families assembles in the open area in front of the Jamlu temple. The parliament decides all the matters of the malana inhabitants the laws of Indiaare said not to be in force in malana, The police is also not allowed to enter the village.