Agra houses 10 famous churches which belong to catholic and protestant and Methodist groups. These famous churches one hide St. Mary’s Church Bazirpura road, St. Pauls church, central Methodist church, Baptist church etc. you will be amazed to know that the oldest church in Agra was built during the mughal emperor Akbar’s tomb.
The oldest church is called Akabari’s church. The Jesuit missionaries started coming to Agra in 1562 A.D. and Akbar being inquisitive he invited these missionaries to know more about the salient features of Christianity Akbar donated land and money grant for the construction of the church. Thus in 1600 A D father started the constructive of this age old church.
Jahangeer at the beginning kept on following the same like his father and supported to make Lahore and Agra churches towards Christianity. Later on Jahangeer had a sort of apathy on account of bad relations with the Portuguese. So he ordered to demolish these churches in 1616. This church is original form was very elegant but an unfortunate mishap occurred of fire in this church. Shahjahan was also at danger is drain with the Portuguese Shahjahan attacked the Portuguese settlements primarily at Hooglie. He also gets & captured the father of this church. Later on Shahjahan agreed to release the father on the condition to demolish the church himself.
When the Persian invader Ahmad shah Abdali attacked India, he looted the mughal palaces and the cities vehemently. Abdali got this church destroyed. Later on this church was renovated and the missionaries enriched this church. This church has red sandstone been used with beautiful carving work. Thus this church became the major attraction up to 1857. After independence of India this church and its importance is still infect. A large number of architecture and religion lovers frequent this place annually.